Are you at risk?
Nothing beats a happy heart. Consider having an Advanced Heart Check if you:
As an active runner, Paul never expected his results.
The Advanced Heart Check saved Sue’s life.

Advanced Heart Check Gift Cards Make A Great Gift Idea!
Advanced Heart Check gift cards are available at Baptist Medical Center South, Baptist Medical Center East, and Prattville Baptist Hospital gift shops. Please ask the gift shop volunteer for assistance when purchasing.
How to Prepare for Your Advanced Heart Check
When preparing for your Advanced Heart Check appointment, be sure to follow these directions to ensure an accurate test.
Drink 32 ounces of water one hour before your test.
Please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time.
Take your usual medications—with the exception of Viagra for 24 hours, Cialis or Levitra for 48 hours before your appointment.
Bring a current list of ALL your daily prescription and nonprescription drugs, along with the dosages OR bring all of your medications in their original containers, on the date of service.
If possible, do not wear any metal objects to your appointment.
Do not wear an underwire bra.
Do not eat any solid foods for 3 hours before your test.
Do not have any caffeinated beverages or foods (i.e. coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks or chocolate) for 12 hours before your appointment.
Avoid all vigorous exercise for 12 hours before your appointment.
Your heart rate must be between 60-65 beats per minute for this exam. If it is greater than 80, you may be given a prescription for a BETA BLOCKER (Lopressor) and the appointment will be rescheduled.
If you do not make your payment when scheduling, your payment will need to be made at the time of your appointment or the appointment will be rescheduled.
Available at
Baptist Medical Center South
Baptist Medical Center East
Prattville Baptist Hospital
If you do not have a physician order, one will be coordinated for you through the scheduling process. The Baptist Health Advanced Heart Check examinations and routine investigations have certain limitations and may not be able to detect all latent and asymptomatic diseases. All results should be shared with your primary care physician for further consultation and recommendation.